Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Single Beauty

Singleness really bothered me until I realized it could be used for God's Glory,
That made me focus on God instead of trying to get a mate to fill the void in my heart,
Which was in actuality a God shaped hole only He could fill and it showed me one of beauty even in my singleness,
Because I had a mindset of the scripture in 1cor. 7:34 that talked about a single woman whose not being tied down to the duties of the world or her husband but being free to concentrate on the things of God that please Him,
So to my black sista's of all ages and those alike,
I want to say keep your heads up always and strive to be all you can in Christ,
We are His wonders of true beauty with talents, gifts,
and anointed destinies who He proudly shows off,
as His most beloved possessions of high value, character, and love.

© Crystal Robinson 2007

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