Thursday, April 26, 2012

Checking in!

Hello all. How has everyone been? Let me know how your doing and what you up too. I'd LOVE to interact with my subscribers. First off, I KNOW its been a LONG time since I posted. I'm sorry. I do have some GOOD news though- I have been writing and there are NEW poems on the way and to come! Sooo, please stay tuned, be patient, bear with me, and stay with me. Shout out to my new subbies!! Thank you SO much and God bless you.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

This song is so encouraging. I love it!
This is one of my favorite songs and its SOOO true! In the eyes of God, we are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Discovered Treasure

I was once lost but now have been found.
Like a little girl playing hide and go seek,
As I was hiding- Jesus in and by His great love
was gently seeking me out.
Drawing me by His spirit to fellowship
and sub with Him.
Just as a treasure that is discovered
beneath the sand and dirt,
I have been discovered, buffered,
and cleaned off.
By God's mercy, love, grace, and
marvelous healing and delivering
Through each test, temptation,
trial, or tribulation.
I, as one of God's discovered treasures,
Am boldly declaring to be brighly shining,
and sparkling in the very hand of her God,
and so can you!
God is yet continuing His work on me but
looking back, I am not, will not, and refuse to
any longer be who I once was.
We were made new in Christ.

Vision: I saw God walking along the sand and with
His hands He was picking up diamonds
that were buried in the sand and dusting them off.

The bible says, I will be a royal diadem in the hand of God.
©2010 Crystal Robinson

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Unmasked (No More Masks)

Into your throne room I come.
Just YOU and I alone.
Standing before you bare and transparent.
One by one I begin removing each mask I’ve ever worn from my face.
The lifetime of masks,
now falling at YOUR feet..
As I slowly watch them fall and fade away,
I realize, this is what You’d been waiting for all along.
No longer do I have to come into your presence, hiding beneath a façade of something or someone that I’m not.
I can now enter in as YOU made me, Unique, special, one of a kind.
With every trouble, issue, and problem.
I am able to now allow you to see into me.
Into your throne room I can come as YOU have always longed for,
Completely real, raw, and unmasked.

© Crystal Robinson 2009

Warrior Unleashed

Arise warrior of God
And take your rightful place
On the front linesI have prepared you
for such a time as this
I know you are ready to fight
To go to the enemy's camp
And take back EVERYTHING
he stole from you
The devil has had it forway too long
Be not afraid
I am with you
One mention of my name
and I'll be right there
With warring angels
at my sides
To fight when you get weak
Go with boldness
and strength
Take back your joy, life, healing, freedom, authority, peace, ect
Snatch it out of the enemy's hands
And watch him run
For he knows he can'twin when he comes
up against a child
of the most high
Time out for the games devil
I'm prepared and ready to fight.

© Crystal Robinson 2009

Single Beauty

Singleness really bothered me until I realized it could be used for God's Glory,
That made me focus on God instead of trying to get a mate to fill the void in my heart,
Which was in actuality a God shaped hole only He could fill and it showed me one of beauty even in my singleness,
Because I had a mindset of the scripture in 1cor. 7:34 that talked about a single woman whose not being tied down to the duties of the world or her husband but being free to concentrate on the things of God that please Him,
So to my black sista's of all ages and those alike,
I want to say keep your heads up always and strive to be all you can in Christ,
We are His wonders of true beauty with talents, gifts,
and anointed destinies who He proudly shows off,
as His most beloved possessions of high value, character, and love.

© Crystal Robinson 2007