Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Princess Crystal

I am a princess and He is the king,
I can ask for anything in His name and by faith I shall recieve,
There is nothing to hard for Him to do, If only I believe, In Him, my wildest dreams can be achieved,
In His arms of love He holds me while letting me know that I am indeed still His,
Through the hard times He will be with me, Guiding and keeping me day by day,
Like a loving father He shall protect me, Nothing I have to fear because He is for me and not against,
I love Him for who He has created me to be, My calling and destiny in Him has already been set, His hand picked and chosen am I, In him is a safety only He can hold and can be found in Him, He wants a one on one relationship with me, Between father and daughter only,
So that He can share His heart and I mine,
Always willing and able to fight my battles, when they get to hard,
So when the enemy comes with his lies I know God will be right beside me to help me through, And that it'll be alright,
He'll rescue me out of the devils hands when I stray or go to far, For my Daddy God is always with me and that makes me love Him all the more,
Because He is my Daddy and I am in the palm of His eternal hand.

© Crystal Robinson 2007

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